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Monday, June 28, 2010

Top Ten Things I Have Learned From My Friends

1.  How To Blog - Blogging was a new and scary thing for me to learn.  Luckily, my friend Melissa walked me through the process which turned out to be one of the easiest things I've every learned.  I still ask her questions all the time as I learn more about the blogging world and she is always patient with me and never makes me feel like my questions are silly or stupid.  Thank you, Melissa.  You are a great friend.

2.  How To Work Hard - Just like her mom, Rachel, is a very hard worker.  If it needs to be done she does it with all her heart and as best as she can.  She doesn't waste any time and does things that need to be done as quickly as possible.  She is always ready and willing to learn something new.  Since she has had her children she has studied and passed the tests to become a realtor and a Special Ed teacher.  Thank you, Rachel.  You are a great friend.

3.  Useful Advice - My friend, Michelle, is like a walking baby book.  If she has wondered about it then she has read about it or looked it up online.  If I'm curious about anything having to do with children then I can always ask her advice.  Thank you, Michelle.  You are a great friend.

4.  To Enjoy Every Minute With My Kids - I don't have a lot of memories from when I was a kid.  I'm not sure why, but I don't.  My friend, Lisa, is a great mom and as I watch her be a mom she reminds me to constantly make memories with my kids.  I really look up to her and ask her advice often.  She has taught me to take time to just be with my kids and enjoy them.  Play with them.  Do the things they want to do.  Listen to them.  Thank you, Lisa.  You are a great friend.

5.  Go The Second Mile - The Bible tells us "And whoever compels you to go one mile, go with him two." Matthew 5:41.  Christi is the perfect example of this.  She is always willing to help others no matter what.  And she often does more than she is asked to do.  She has not only been my friend, but for the last 3 1/2 years, she has been my boss.  When you have a boss that goes the second mile for you, you love your job!!!  Thank you, Christi.  You are a great friend.

6.  Walk With The Lord Daily - My friend, Melissa, is the perfect example of walking with the Lord.  She serves him everyday with all her heart.   She is a daily witness of our Lord and shows kindness everywhere she goes.  She is a great example of taking up your cross daily.  Thank you, Melissa.  You are a great friend.

7.  Teaching Strategies - I taught 5th grade for five years before I had my first child.  My friend, Shelley, was my mentor teacher.  She is a fabulous teacher!  I just soaked up everything I could learn from her those five years.  More than anything else, I learned from her to teach more than just the book work.  Life lessons are way more important and will probably be remembered more.  Thank you, Shelley.  You are a great friend.

8.  Patience - I have lost my temper with my children more than once.  I hate to admit it, but I have.  I don't always calm my self down before I discipline.  My sister, Rebecca, is very patient with her daughter.  She always takes her out of the room to discipline her.  I like this technique.  It gives me time to cool off as well as not embarrassing my children.  I am trying to remember to do this more often.  Thank you, Rebecca.  You are a great friend and sister.

9.  Be Merciful - My mom is a great mom.  Of course, I didn't realize this until I became a mom myself.  I remember all the times that I have said hurtful things to her and she would just turn around and walk away.  There were so many times that I should have been punished for something but my mom chose to show mercy and grace.  I want to be this way to my children.  Because, as I am trying to be like my mom, I am also trying to be like Jesus.  The Lord, daily, chooses to be merciful to me and give me grace.  Thank you, Mom.  I love you.

10.  Unconditional Love - Ronny and I have known each other for 15 years.  He has been my acquaintance, my friend, my boyfriend, my fiancé, and now my husband.  We have had our great years together.  And he still loves me.  We have also had those not so good years.  And he still loves me.  We have shared secrets with each other that only God knew.  And he still loves me.  I know that he will love me know matter what I say or do.  He has truly been sent by God to my husband and best friend.  Thank you, Ronny.  You are great friend and husband.


  1. Those are all so great! But me patience..I'm not so sure about that! :) I have looked up to you more than anyone, I watch you and ask you questions about different things. I wouldn't have survived my first year of Sarah if it hadn't been for learning from you!! You are so great with kids and I love learning how to be better with them and how to interact with them. Especially for MDO..I've learned alot from just watching you! :) I've gone from knowing absolutely nothing about children and scared to death to be around raising mine and helping you at MDO..I just hope I'm a great help to you in class and hope to learn and do better each day!!
    I love you and you are a great sister and a great friend!

  2. Debra,
    I love you and think you are so special! What a friend YOU are to take the time to think about and blog about your friends. I am thankful that the Lord saw fit for us all to be in each others lives!
    I have learned a lot from you too!!! And... I think you are a great mom and friend!!!

  3. Debra--
    Thank you so much for your sweet words! I am truly blessed to have you as a friend. I am so glad God not only brought us to Northeast 9 years ago, but also led us back. I truly value you as a friend!

  4. Awww thanks! How very sweet of you. Great Top Ten! I'm happy to help any time with blogging ;o)
    I'm so happy I met you all those years ago and that we were able to reconnect through Facebook. I would love to hang out with you often if I lived in Texas. Maybe someday..??

  5. That is so sweet! I'm so glad we were friends first because now that I am no longer your boss, I still get to be among your closest friends! I will always walk that "extra" mile for you!

  6. Awww, sounds like you've got a lot of great people in your life! Great list!
