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Friday, October 2, 2009

Our trip to the State Fair

Tuesday, we all went to the State Fair.  I absolutely love having family outings.  I love watching Will do and learn new things and have fun at the same time.  We had a great time.  The first thing we did was go to the car show (of course) :)  Will enjoyed getting in and playing in the cars.  We also saw a dog stunt show, ate lots of junk food, the petting zoo, a kids pretend farm and saw a parade.  Another fun thing that we did was we went to the backyard circus.  This was great!  The ring master chose kids to be apart of the circus.  Will was chosen to be a tiger.  He was given a T-shirt that said "tiger" on it and a tiger mask.  I was so shocked that he actually wore them.  There were other lions and tigers and a lion tamer was to tame them and make them lie down and play dead, show their terrible claws and jump through a fiery hoop (a hula hoop).  Will did all of this.  I couldn't believe it!  Unfortunately, I didn't charge my camera battery before we left and I didn't get any pictures.  We stayed all day and Will only had one meltdown.  It was after his last ride.  We let him ride four rides.  Ronny took him on the Super Slide and he loved it, even though his face coming down had a concerned expression on it.  I took him on a roller coaster and he did not like it at all.  He almost cried the third time we went around the track.  After that he rode the log ride and a race car ride.  I can't believe how much fun I have just watching him have fun.  It was a very long, but fun day.

Oh, and if you are wondering, yes, we took Katelyn too.  She did great.  She slept a lot, but when she was awake I either held her or we carried her in a sling.  She was such a good girl at the fair.