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Friday, September 11, 2009

I Will Never Forget September 11, 2001

I was in school teaching 5th grade. It was my first year to teach. My lead teacher and the principal were out in the hall talking and called me out. They told me that two planes had flown into the twin towers. My first thought was that they were joking. My second was total fear. They told me not to tell my class just yet. How was I supposed to go on teaching and acting as if everything was normal? I didn't have to. When I walked back in the room Dr. Brooke (the administrator) was on the speaker telling the school what had happened. Parents began coming an getting their kids and all I could think was "I sure wish I could be with Ronny." I think I was able to get home that day before lunchtime. I remember thinking how I wish I could be with all my family at one time. To hold them, see them, touch them and to know that they are safe. September 11, 2001 was one of the scariest days of my life and I was here safe in Texas. I will always remember this day and I will be thinking of those who lost loved ones and those who risked their lives to help others. What a sad day in our history. I am proud of those who worked and still are working to keep us safe. I am proud to be an American! We live in the best country of all!

Tell me about your experience on that day.


  1. Welcome the the blog world. I don't have a blog, but Steph and Melissa do and I follow them of course. Thanks for sharing about 9/ was a very scary day and I was really worried about MIke and Melissa up in New England. I didn't calm down until I called them and found out they were O.K. I'll be checking out your blog from time to time to see what's going on in your world!

  2. Amen sistah! Great post. You're doing great with your blog! Love the new lay out and tickers. See how fun blogging is? lol You had been married a year by then right? You've read my experience that day on my blog. We were in RI for several months b/c of Mike's work. I remember that that was all the people in our hotel were talking about. Total strangers were asking each other if they'd heard what had happened. I did call Mike at work immediately. He hadn't heard yet.
