I can't believe how fast the time has gone. Katelyn, you are 4 months old now, and Will, you are 3 years old.
Katelyn, you are now 14 lbs. and 21 in. long. You wear size 3-6 mo. clothes. You are doing so many fun things now. You have rolled over from your stomach to your back twice. You like to lay on the floor and look up at your toys. You try to get them in your mouth and you are often successful. You are cooing and trying to talk a lot and when you do I can see your tongue moving continuously. It is so funny. You have begun a new way of talking that sounds a lot like yelling. Your sure have found your high pitched voice! You also like your excersaucer. You have been playing in it since you were 3.5 months old. I know it was a little early to be putting you in it, but I was desperate for you to stop crying and none of your other toys were interesting to you. I tried your excersaucer and it worked like magic. You sat in it and looked at all your toys for about 10 minutes. Will enjoyed you sitting in it also. He just talked to you and showed you all the toys and how they worked. About a week later, I put you in it again and you actually played with the spinning toy. I was amazed. You still seemed too little to be able to play like that. It was not accidental. You actually reached out and spun the toy over and over. Very cool! You also like to lay on the floor and you will wiggle yourself around in a circle. You are starting to sleep through the night more, but sometimes you wiggle and squirm because you want your pacifier. Once I give it to you, you go right back to sleep. I have started giving you rice cereal before your last feeding of the night. You are eating it very well. So far it has not helped to keep from waking up for your pacifier at night, but I'm hopeful that soon it will.
Will, my big boy, you really need to stop growing. You are wearing 4T clothes and size 10 shoes. You are still way into sports. You have started a Sports For Shorties class at the Rec center. You absolutely love it! So far you have played soccer, football, kickball, ,and volleyball. You are learning to recognize your ABC's and numbers, which is a lot of fun for me to teach you. You can write your name although your W looks like a M and you call it "double S". You are started to talk more in complete sentences and say funny things. We just finished Halloween and you had so much fun getting ready for it. You always asked to go to the "scary guy store". We did go several times and unfortunately now you fight us to go to bed because you are afraid. You have had two bad dreams lately. When we asked you what you dreamed, you said, "A scary guy poked me on my face!" Ha! I'm sad that you are having bad dreams, but it is hilarious that your bad dream is that someone poked your face! One of your favorite things to do is box with your Daddy. When he comes home from work, you and him go into the bedroom and you "help" him change his clothes and then the two of you box each other. You probablly spend about 20 minutes boxing. You have also been going to high school football games with Daddy and Papa. You look forward to every Friday night and ask each day if you get to go. You also love to play with Sarah. You always want her to come over after school. You and Sarah love each other so much, but you two also know how to push each other's buttons and you fight all the time! But no matter how much you fight you still love to play with her.
I can't believe how much fun it is to be your Mommy. I love the both of you sooo much.